Single Tracks →


Sometimes you are traveling with kids or neophyte mountain bikers and are <br />
wondering where to take them. The following route describes a fun and <br />
fairly easy practice trail. Can't really say it's for beginners - they probably <br />
belong in the middle of a grassy football field. But, this should be a fun loop <br />
for lower intermediate mountain bikers.<br />
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It's a 2.5 mile loop that includes Dawa Trail, AZ Cyprus Trail and the OK <br />
Trail.<br />
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These instructions assume a counterclockwise loop.<br />
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Follow the Dawa Trail. It will intersect Cockscomb at mile .92. Turn left for <br />
a few yards on Cockscomb then continue on Dawa Trail.<br />
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At mile 1.7 you will intersect AZ Cyprus Trail. Turn left.<br />
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At mile 2.17 turn left onto the OK Trail.<br />
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At mile 2.42 you complete the loop and intersect the Dawa Trail.<br />
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At mile 2.51 you should be back at the start.


Drive up Dry Creek Road going north out of Sedona. Turn left onto Boynton <br /><br />Pass Road. The trailhead is on your left in about a mile.