Single Tracks →


The Dick's Creek area is a network of gravel roads, doubletrack, and some singletrack. The main Dick's Creek Road is open to vehicular traffic most of the time and climbs up the mountains towards the Blood Mountain Wilderness before ending at a gate. Be careful up here: the wilderness area borders one side of the road and, while there are several trails breaking off into the wilderness, riding mountain bikes in the wilderness is illegal. The main road, however, is right outside of the wilderness. <br />
There are also several gated gravel roads in the area, and a couple of old road grades that have degenerated into doubletrack. If you keep your eyes open, you might even find a little bit of Singletrack here and there.<br />
If it's warm outside and you need to cool down, there are some great swimming holes near Dick's Creek Falls, along with some natural water slides and cliffs to jump.


Near Turner's Corner. See Google Maps location.