Single Tracks →


Network of singletrack, solid trail surface and quick flow allows for decent speed. Technical trail options throughout network: whoops, log jumps, downhill berm section, bridges, stream crossings, log and rock piles.
North trails and South trails separated by the Wakefield Park road. North trails are accessible from multiple points on the other side of baseball and soccer fields behind the Audrey Moore RECenter. There is a doubletrack greenway behind the park baseball fields- RIGHT turn(North) will go to Wakefield North Trails along Accotink Creek and access to the \"Bowl\" section,follow orange and yellow trail blazes.
LEFT(South)on greenway will lead to a tunnel crossing under Braddock Rd and on to the Lake Accotink Network trails.

To access Wakefield South trails, from Audrey Moore RECenter parking lot entrance go left across footbridge and look left for tunnel crossing under Wakefield Park road. South trails are marked with blue trail blazes.


From 495 Exit 54 to VA 620-Braddock Rd West, From Braddock Rd take a right at the first stoplight west of the 495 exit on to Wakefield Park Rd(see "Wakefield Park" sign in trail photos). Continue north on the park road, turn left into the Audrey Moore RECenter parking lot. See trailhead kiosk(see trail photos) by tennis courts at the north end of parking lot from RECenter for trailhead information.